Hasgeek Content Web: Getting Started with Web Typography

I was invited by Hasgeek couple of weeks ago to give a short talk on the fundamentals of web typography, as part of their Content Web Saturday Sessions. Hasgeek is the community behind Meta Refresh, JSFoo, The Fifth Elephant, Rootconf and other annual staples in the design and tech scene in India.

The talk lasted about 30 minutes and was followed by audience Q&A, which I thought went well. The session was moderated by Hamsa Ganesh. We covered topics like:

  • Why web typography is a big deal
  • The long winding road to webfont adoption
  • Selecting typefaces for the web
  • Webfont licensing and deployment

This was a first for me, and I really enjoyed the experience! Check out the recording above if you enjoy geeking about web typography as well.