RIP Irene Carvalho

RIP Irene Carvalho

Queen of the Carvalho caravan, grandmother to Vinnie, and great grandmother to Sasha — whom she never got the chance to see.

21 July 1928 — 26 December 2013. The spirit carries on.

The Word became flesh

Yesterday’s gospel from St. John made me reflect a little.

Unlike the synoptic gospels, St. John maintains that Jesus Christ — the Word of God — existed from the beginning. Christmas is not really so much about the physical birth of Jesus Christ, as it is about his divine Incarnation; the Word becoming flesh (Jn 1).

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being.

Verses 10 and 11 resonate with our times:

He was in the world, and the world came into being through him; yet the world did not know him. He came to what was his own, and his own people did not accept him. But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God …

St. John’s use of typology gives everything in his gospel a deeper meaning. Over 2000 years ago, his own people” referred to the Jews, but today it also refers to us Christians.

I pray that Christmas all over the world becomes less commercial and more about Jesus; and also for the gift of authentic Christian faith.

Christmas 2013

Merry Christmas everyone! I pray we keep Christ in Christmas this year.


Confluences is a new series on my other blog, Hidden Logic, that will take a closer look at the intersection of design with business, sales, marketing, technology, strategy and more.

The first feature looks at the upcoming eighth-generation Suzuki Alto.

I’ll walk in the rain by your side
I’ll cling to the warmth of your hand
I’ll do anything to keep you satisfied
I’ll love you more than anybody can
And the wind will whisper your name to me
Little birds will sing along in time
Leaves will bow down when you walk by
And morning bells will chime.

John Denver, For Baby

Sasha Laura Fernandes is here!

Born this morning at 10:25am; weighing 2.925 kilos. Absolutely worth the wait.

Tell me where the good men go
Before I wash away
Walk me down the old brick road
So I can die where I met you
Hold me like we’re going home
Turn your tears to rain
Bury me beautiful
Heaven knows how I loved you

Five For Fighting, Heaven Knows
Lumia 620

Just over 6 months with my Lumia 620.

It’s a modest phone with no specs to boast about, but it pips every Android device I’ve used so far. Windows Phone 8 is superior in terms of UX, performance and overall stability.

It would be really sad to see Nokia go down even after making products of this caliber.

Ask yourself: can you dance?

I’ve been shuffling lately — and after being sufficiently inspired, uploaded my first video to YouTube.

That also gave me a chance to do something I’ve always wanted to try my hand at video editing. I used Lightworks for this video.

As they say — shuffle to express, not to impress.